As Seen on HousingWire: How Westwood’s Technology Makes Closing Easier for Lenders and Customers


Tom Kriby, Westwood’s Vice President of Client Development & Partnerships, was recently featured in an executive conversation with HousingWire. The conversation delved into the importance that insurance plays in the closing process, and how Westwood uses technology to make that process easy for both lenders and customers.

Not having insurance could delay the home closing, costing lenders time and money, and frustrating customers. With Westwood, that process is simplified, with quotes provided in minutes that keeps closing on track and on time.

Click here to read the full interview on HousingWire.

Tom Kriby, Westwood’s Vice President of Client Development & Partnerships, was recently featured in an executive conversation with HousingWire. The conversation delved into the importance that insurance plays in the closing process, and how Westwood uses technology to make that process easy for both lenders and customers.

Not having insurance could delay the home closing, costing lenders time and money, and frustrating customers. With Westwood, that process is simplified, with quotes provided in minutes that keeps closing on track and on time.

Click here to read the full interview on HousingWire.